Sunday, January 15, 2006

Quinn Talk & Oobi

i am so amazed by quinn. his vocabulary keeps expanding 60+ words. some of his more recent words & phrases):
hold you (he wants you to hold him or he wants to hold something - usually percy or a baby on TV)
away (he wants to put something where it "belongs" such as his shoes, his cup, the milk etc.) thank you! (can either mean "i really don't want to hold it anymore, you hold it" or "thank you for giving me ____.)
Okay! (i think this one explains itself)
BYE! seeumomorow! (bye, see you tomorrow)
candle, sandal, coffee, bottle, telephone
Oobi (a TV show of noggin, see below)
Jo-Jo (either Joe on Blue's Clues or Kate's husband)

So Oobi ...
... is WEIRD! but good, in a simple, innocent kind of way. hard to explain, click the link below to see what i am talking about. i dunno if he really likes it or is just fascinated at trying to figure out what the hell is going on on his TV!!!


The Gilles Family said...

hahaha You CONVENIENTLY left out BEER and WINE! If I hadn't heard it with my own two ears, I wouldn't have believed it. Tell Quinny that I love him very ISH! :)

Shannon Bieger said...

Oh my my mind, Quinn was JUST born. How old is he now? Time went FAST!