Friday, January 27, 2006

BIG pimpin'

so today was our (quinn and my) first day of storytime at the library. it is half an hour, the librarian reads a few stories in between singing and dancing. quinn did okay, not as good as he has done with tumbling class. there wasn't enough moving around for him i think. but he is BIG pimpin'! he is the only boy, there are 5 cute girls. one of them also happens to be in out tumbling class, small world. he did really enjoy the "bubble time". i will see how next week goes before we decide what to do.

oh, new q words ... ohfeel (oatmeal) veries (blueberries) fair (hair) yass (class) and anything you say. if you say, "quinn, can you say (insert word here)?" he will. totally amazing. he used to call cherrios wooshies, but now it sounds more like cheerios

we (tim and i) will watch aidan next monday and tuesday and the following same days with the 'rents (not parents, but grandparents) are on a trailer trash excursion. hopefully all boys will play well together.

off to paint, i am trying to get things in order, cleaned and organized for aidan to be here and for superbowl. i want to get my paintings done so i can rearrange some art and things on my pot shelves in the kitchen.

1 comment:

The Gilles Family said...

Still waiting for the day when you announce to the world that your baby can tell the differene between beer and wine. :) hahaha. I'm glad he's going to storytime!! Quinn's totally only going to refer to me as "the book lady," as I think I have YET to buy that kid a TOY! Sheesh! Love ya!