Friday, January 20, 2006

the DH saved my night!

so today was kinda poopy. i was just in a foul mood all day/evening. tim left to play poker which normally wouldn't have irritated me, but because i was cranky i was resentful. so being cranky when quinn isn't in his best mood is, as he would say, "ucka". then i needed to call alyson (a literary question needed answering) . so i called, we couldn't figure out the answer and moved on to other things. celery sprigs and tempertures, oh my. she told me a story (you too can read it!

so then...quinn was in the fridge, grabbed the milk (soy milk that is) and unscrewed the cap. let's pause there. what was the mother doing? well, she was making a vodka tonic and a jane young special (popcorn LIGHTLY drizzled with butter and sprinkled with cinnamon & sugar). my moodiness called for a bucket of chocolate and a triple cheese burger, but that doesn't fit in with the toning up for Kauai plan! so i wasn't watching him like i should have been but hey, he wasn't playing with knives! so i saw this ( the unscrewing of the milk cap) said NO! and ran over there. it tumbled out of the fridge, spilled all over the fridge and floor and i laughed. if it wouldn't have been for the break in tension a few minuted before ( the gilles' phone call) i think i would have just started sobbing. Thanks guys, for saving my night!

now i have my sweet/salty treat, a little adult beverage and i dunno, i will either choose the lazy route & just watch the tube in bed or i will work on my latest mixed media project.

quinn is sleeping soundly, i can hear him & his binky on the monitor. all is well. cheers to a new day tomorrow.


LadyHAHA said...

Hi! Alyson's cousin's (shannon) friend here. just wanted to note that you AND Alyson have given me two new things to try that I might get completely addicted to....
Alyson: Tabasco on Toast
You: A Jane Young Special!
OH YES. I've never HEARD of a jane young special and guess what? "Aunt Flow" is coming next week! A perfect snack for the troubling days ahead. :)

The Gilles Family said...

Awww! I got a mention! hahaha, I was thinking about how we went from the color of celery to River Phoenix's overdose in a matter of two point two seconds, for the rest of the night! Every once in a while, I'd just start chuckling. Mike thought the paint fumes were going to my head. Nope, I just love our conversations! I, too, have to try the Jane Young Special! YUMMMMM! And you're right. No knives equals no harm, no foul!