Tuesday, February 14, 2006

heart day

i used to hate pink. but i like it now, probably thanks to aly g. but i still don't like the pink and red combo. blachky!

tim and i left quinn with the g'rents and played 9 holes at a little par 3 in town. i got 2 pars wooohooo! let's not discuss the other holes!

i started one of my new year's resolutions (yes, i KNOW it is Feb. 14!). i am starting to read the "classics". as in novels. i check out from the library (it's my new favorite place to go on my "day off") The Sacrlet Letter and Animal Farm. i am reading animal farm first, and have onlu gotten as far as the introduction, ihad no idea!!!!

what else is going on??? quinn slip his lip yesterday (on dad's watch, not mine) i will post a pic, kinda ugly. with that and his spiked hair he looks like a hellion!

i am thinking of trying my hand at designing kits for digital scrapbooking. because i don't have enough i want to work on, right????

1 comment:

The Gilles Family said...

Awww, I turned you onto pink? AWESOME! (Pink is the gateway. It's all part of my ploy to drag you into a baptismal font!;)

I'm glad you noted that it was on Tim's watch. Dammit daddy!

Happy V-Day! Gilles heart Haskell!