Tuesday, May 23, 2006

updates, updates, everybody loves updates

quinn has gone potty on the potty 4 times over 2 days.

binkies are gone and he did well. we went to build a bear, and he picked out a bunny and we but 1 binkie in the bunny for him to keep. then the other binkies we "gave" to a baby that my aunt was sitting. he knows that they are for babies and he is a big boy now. don't get me wrong, there WAS crying, about 30 min each day before he fell asleep, that lasted about 3-4 days, by the 5th day he was good.

his new words??? why? why? why? why? why? why? why?
mine mine mine
ugh, not happy 'bout that one!

1 comment:

The Gilles Family said...

hahaha, I love him. That's so sweet about the build a bear! Where'd you get that idea?