Monday, May 29, 2006

new quinn stuff:

learning to add "ing" to words (drive to driving) has turned into adding "en-ning" so phonetically it sound like drive-en-ning or ride-en-nig. pretty cute.

also it is almost "birthday time" and we will eat frosting (could care less about the cake!)

we sing "if you are happy and you know it clap your hands" in Quinn-ese it is "a hap-py know!"

he is addicted to riging in grandpa's golf cart. we splurged and got him one for his b-day (shhhh! don't tell!) BUT we got a new one from ebay and was MUCH cheaper than this place!

we had dinner club the other night and everyone was SO thoughtfull about the q man's food needs. they made sure that he could eat what the other kids were eating and he even had a special dessert. made me all warm and fuzzy on the inside.

1 comment:

The Gilles Family said...

I could care less about the cake, too. Go Quinn! Happy Birthday to YOUUUUU!