Sunday, December 02, 2007

day 2

oh! we're on a roll! ;)

i am grateful that my family (outside of tim and quinn) get along so well. i know that there are lots of families that bicker often and don't get together as much as we do. we love and support each other and accept oneanother for who we are.


The Gilles Family said...

And alcohol never hurts, either. ;)

Just kidding. I've always admired that about your family. You guys are crazy about each other, and it radiates!

Unknown said...

Hey Christine, I don't have a blog, i am just going to do the comments. I don't really understand computer enough to have a blog page.

Emily E. said...

Way to post girl! I'll catch ya here tomorrow, without the ketchup.

Unknown said...

I need your address. please e-mail it to me.