Thursday, November 22, 2007

happy thanksgiving

this morning i am making broccoli casserole (ya-um!) and a quinn safe cherry pie. 2 doors down the sweetest, funnest, coolest neighbors are frying turkeys for the neighborhood and their friends....all day. seriously. they have been doing this for years and since we are now part of the 'hood, they have kindly offered to fry for us too. and quinn loves the girls! they are (i think 9 & 10) but they love playing with him and are really good with him. after quinns nap we will head to my aunts and have dinner with the family.

i am thankful for:
my son, husband, family, friends, home, health, doggies, being a SAHM, being able to create art, each day, my friends babies, all that my DH does for q and i.

i hope you have a good, safe and happy one.


Emily E. said...

Happy Potato Day! Although this year I Will be eating some of the turkey---will wonders ever cease? Love and Thanks to the Haskells.

The Gilles Family said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Friend. You are one of the greatest friends for which I am thankful!