Wednesday, July 25, 2007

abcd...efg...hijk...lmnop...qrs..tuv...wx..y & z

so i really strongly dislike (hate is such a nasty word) getting up early. REALLY DISLIKE. but i couldn't sleep this morning. at all. i looked at the clock...5:02 am. this is probably the norm for lots-o-folk....but not me. tryed, tryed to go bacl to sleep, no luck. why? completely anxiety stricken. my baby is off to preschool today. not only do i have the standard anxieety about letting you little one off into the world by himself...being taken care of by someome other than me or a close family member....but i also have to deal with the food allergy issues. We are taking baggies of snacks for him to have there and each day we have to take his epipen and benadryl in a baggie. he will do a few 'drop-in' days to get used to everything there, and at the end of august he will go each week, 2 days per week. i spoke with them administrators there the other day for quite some time, i felt better after that. they have had kids with FA before, just not this many or severe. keep us in your thoughts...i will post pics later.

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