Friday, September 29, 2006

32 days!!!!!!!

but who is counting....ME! i got out our halloween decorations this morning and started putting stuff up. if you aren't familiar, i am OBSESSED with halloween. not the scary blood dripping halloween, but the fun magical halloween, oh and we have WAY more halloween decorations than christmas.

so i am putting up the halloween village on the pot shelves this year so the "little hands" can't get to it. and i decided that we need WAY more outside decorations!!!

but, the sad part? last year i bought some of the those mini pumpkins and gourds to mix in with my fakers, but i must have gotten them mixed up. i opened the first rubbermade bin, and wondered to myself...hmmm, THAT smells odd. i looked in, and OH! 11 months worth of mold covered EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!! i had put in some real mini pumpkins and they rotted....ugh! it was on my placemats, candle holders, my cute little "s'mores" tree where the marshmallow guys are in halloween gear...all over garland and so much more. i am totally bummed.

anyway, just stuff i guess...but my HALLOWEEN stuff!!!!

but i did find something cool on the web that i HAVE TO HAVE!
black vodka and they have halloween recipes....totally cool!

new stuff that i am drooling over...and there is SOOOOOOOO much more:


Emily E. said...

Lovin' Halloween as well. Bummer about the little pumpkins :(

I lit my witches hat candle holder last Halloween freaks should have a theraputic talk about our sickness.

Luv ya...emily

Stephanie said...

You should see the Michael's ad that came in my mailbox today! Almost all Halloween and a 50% off coupon. :)

Michelle said...

Christine, I *LOVE* your Halloween Decorations! And I am right there with you girl!! My Halloween village is my FAVORITE THING!!

I have been trying to contact you about our Apprentice Challenge at ScrapArtist; but all my email's are being returned; Drop me a line! :)