Monday, February 25, 2008

birthday with the fam....

the food was FANTASTIC! my family can cook if i do say so myself! mmm...mmm! they are all so generous too. but one thing that was so very nice about the evening was that the boys played so great together. there was no bickering or arguing, no hitting or crying. and in turn, that left the rest of us to do something that we haven't done in a loooooooonnnnnnngggggg time. vist. just sit and talk and sip on sangria (yum!) and did i mention talk? like adults. there were no interuptions because of the boys fighting. it was wonderful. we talked about big things and not so big things. i had almost forgotten what this had felt like! i just had a wonderful sense of calm and comfort. visiting in my parent's living room. i was in a happy place. ( they boys were haveing such a great time too, they didn't want to go home at the end of the night!)

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Happy Birthday!
